Become A Sponsor
Dear Valued Sponsor,
This September 26, we will be hosting our 18th Annual Ohio Valley Down Syndrome Buddy Walk. In order to protect our
families and those that this walk is meant to honor, we will be doing a virtual walk this year. We are still very excited to
bring our friends and families together to celebrate those in our lives that provide so much joy and love in these
uncertain times.
We are still doing t-shirt sales and will be shipping the shirts out for everyone to wear on the 26th
We are asking that our sponsors send monetary donations since we will not be able to do any raffles this year.
This year the National Down Syndrome Society is waiving their usual fee for the Buddy Walk so the OVDSSG will be able
to utilize every dollar earned towards our families here in the area.
Your contribution helps our organization host the Buddy Walk which is not only full of fun for our members but for the
community as well. The walk is more than just a festive event; it lets others see that our individuals with Down
Syndrome are very much like any other child or adult. It is awesome to see the smiles when they are awarded their
medal. They realize this event is held in their honor. We will also use the donations to assist families with getting their
child active in community activities, purchase medical devices needed to enhance mobility or learning, and sending
family members to various conferences.
We hope that you will participate in helping the OVDSSG achieve its goal of $16,000.00. Each sponsor will be advertised
on the OVDSSG website with our Platinum sponsors starting at the top.
Platinum $1,000.00
Gold Sponsor $500.00
Silver Sponsor $250.00
Bronze Sponsor $100.00
Checks are to be payable to OVDSSG or you may write the entire name as on our letterhead. Response is needed by
August 31 as to assure proper advertising for your business. You can expect someone from the group to be contacting
you in the near future. Please feel free to contact me at any time should you have any questions or concerns.
Thomas Geary